- Free plan
- 10,00 emails per month
- 2,000 subscribers
- Free automation emails
- Transactional emails (API)
available with Mandrill (paid) - "Pay per use" option available
- Open MailChimp
- Free plan
- 300 emails per day
(and a "Requeue" feature) - Unlimited subscribers
- Free automation emails
- Free transactional emails
- No "Pay per use"
- Transactional SMS (paid)
- Open SendinBlue
Amazon SES
- Sending emails from an application
hosted on EC2: 62,000 free emails
per month (otherwise, you pay
$0.10 per 1,000 emails) - Attachments: $0.12/GB
- Fees for receiving emails
(first 1,000 are free) - Open Amazon SES
- 10,000 free emails per month
- 100 free validations per month
- Free incoming emails
- 5 days of log retention for free
- Monthly plans or pay as you go
- Attachments up to 25MB (free)
- Open Mailgun